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Course announcement: Lenses and Optics for High-Speed Video


Xcitex will offer a course, Lenses and Optics for High-Speed Video, November 13 and 14, 2012 in Cambridge, MA. This course is designed for users of high-speed cameras and imaging systems who want to expand their understanding of optics and lenses for this rapidly expanding industry. The two-day course will cover the basics of lenses, proper selection criteria for lenses and non-imaging optics, determination of optical quality, and procurement sources. Students will learn the technical definitions of common lens specifications, including focal length, modulation transfer function (MTF), depth of field, pupils, f/#, crop factor, optical resolution, and zoom ratio. Using this knowledge, students will develop selection criteria for various typical applications using standard off-the-shelf lens calculators. The course will be split between lecture and hands-on experimentation with a variety of optics, lenses, close-up adapters, telescopes, and boroscopes. A comfortable knowledge of geometry and standard algebraic mathematics is required.

The course will be taught by Peter Carellas, President of Xcitex, assisted by the engineering staff. Mr. Carellas has degrees in Optical Engineering and Physics from the University of Rochester. Prior to founding Xcitex, Mr. Carellas was a lens designer for cameras, space systems, commercial imaging systems, and infrared tracking systems. He has multiple patents in the field of lens measurement. He lectures frequently throughout the year at various universities in the US on the subject of lenses and optics for high-speed video; student feedback from those sessions often states that more time and hands-on experience would be useful along with a more in-depth understanding of the fundamentals.

Depending on the number of students, manufacturing engineers and specialty designers will be invited to speak to the class and present state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques.

The class will be held at Xcitex headquarters in Cambridge MA. The price of the class is $1500. We are offering a $350 discount to Xcitex customers.

To register, or if you have any questions about this course, please email info@xcitex.com or call 617-225-0080.

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